Strategic Storytelling is a copywriters' best kept secret

Can I be honest with you?

I’m obsessed with rules, procedures and authority.

There, I said it.
Monica Gellar is my spirit animal.
Stories must follow the rules

But even though I play by the rules in life…

When it comes to your biz, I usually toss that damn book out the window.
I prefer to play to my strengths to connect you with your customers…

Through emotionally-charged,    strategic stories. 

My background is in performing, entertainment & video producing.

I’m a trained storyteller. 

It’s both art and science.
*And I’ve got a personal lab just waiting to create EXPLOSIVE results for you.

Now, you might be thinking, “Just a darn, tootin’ minute Gen, how does one become a trained storyteller? 

Aren’t we all technically storytellers? What makes you so special???”

A strategic storyteller's most asked question

Ahh yes, it's true - we are wired to tell stories... but some of us suck at it

innovative storytelling is like chemistry

Most businesses struggle to tell their brand story effectively. Not because they’re bad at writing, but because they don’t know how to craft the strategic stories their audience’s brains are craving. 

Words are chemistry. 

There’s a very specific blueprint for crafting stories the brain is hungry for. It isn’t about creativity or cleverness. It’s as much algebra as it is alchemy. 

And I’m armed with this implicit framework because I’ve dedicated my career to studying story.

× As an actress, I’ve spent countless hours breaking down scripts & identifying the key to emotionally connecting with an audience. 

× As an improviser, I’ve stood on stage in front of paying viewers who expect you to create something out of nothing  – right in front of their very eyes. This is asking the impossible, unless you’ve got that story framework on lock. 

× And as a video producer, I’ve spent years writing scripts for businesses that build a bridge directly to their customers hearts, minds and wallets. 

× As a writer, I put into practice all the elements that keep eyeballs on a page.

stories so innovative, they'll make your eyes pop put of your head

So I guess you could say, I’m in the biz of getting my audience to feel something…

(yep, even those of us who are dead on the inside)
strategic stories inspired by the eighties

I’m also a child of the 80’s – seriously, strap me to a Delorian and send me back. 

The 80’s is all about innovative expression and is easily my greatest inspiration.

It infiltrated my most impressionable years and blessed me with my significant superpower…


And I want to tell your brand story in a way that’s going to cut through the noise and win you screaming fans in the process.


By using the power of words to get your audience excited, convince them to buy or entice them make a change.
And wanna know what’s motivating their actions?


Innovative solutions for clients
Innovative solutions for clients
Innovative solutions for clients

Figuring out what makes your audience tick is what I do best.

Strategic solutions for clients

I’ll poetically tell your brand story while building up to a compelling sales pitch at the same time. 

And let’s be honest – you don’t just want words, you want results. 

When you put me on your team, you’re scoring yourself a one-way ticket to Transformation Town. Population: Your Biz. 

Ready to climb aboard?

What people are saying

" Gen was a dream to work with. We loved her ability to steer our brand in a new and exciting direction. And it is incredible she understood our tone of voice better than we did. She nailed it! "
Courtney Ray
Owner - daily blooms